The Adventures of Meteor Mags and Patches

Books Available Around the World

Permanent Crescent Kindle Cover

The Third Omnibus Is Here!

Get It Now!
A homicidal smuggler and her calico cat just saved the entire solar system... Now what?!

Gear up for total revolution on the asteroid-mining frontier with Meteor Mags, Patches, and their hell-bound crew. Mags and her allies on Ceres and Mars aim to create a space-based utopia, but powerful interests from a war-torn Earth would rather see them dead. In this conflict, the weapons of choice are genetics, gravity, grenades, and guns—and whatever else Mags has hidden up her sleeve.

Science-fiction collides with crime and satire in a rock-and-roll apocalypse where octopuses read minds, cats get into gangsta rap, and dinosaurs fight the corporations controlling the System.

For sale on Amazon as a 532-page paperback and an ebook. Readers outside the USA, click here.

Permanent Crescent Kindle Cover

Meteor Mags T-Shirts Are Here!

Wear It!
Dress for the revolution in comfort and style with the newest Meteor Mags T-Shirt, featuring the stunning artwork of Kacper Gilka from the cover of The Third Omnibus!

100% cotton, pre-shrunk, unisex fit in a variety of colors and sizes. Complete with skulls, tentacles, shooting stars, shotgun, and your favorite invincible calico cat, Patches.

Visit our store to find t-shirts, mugs, posters, and other cool stuff to rock your world!

Permanent Crescent Kindle Cover

Legends of the Dracorex: The Graphic Novel Prequel Will Destroy You!

Read It!
In a time when dinosaurs ruled the Earth, one violent species sought to conquer... Outer Space!

Discover an alternate prehistory where Dracorex dinosaurs rose to power with advanced technology and enslaved other species, culminating with the building of starships to escape the massive asteroid that wiped out most of life on Earth. Four visually stunning chapters tell the highlights of the tale, along with bonus pin-ups, sketchbook pages, and more!

This international collaboration features the gorgeous work of artists from Portugal, Brazil, and the United States. See them bring to life the savage brutality of a dinosaur species that refused to die, no matter the cost.

For sale on Amazon as a 48-page paperback and an ebook. Readers outside the USA, click here.

See Mags Come to Life!

Vamkire Trannel posted this video of his process for creating the illustration for the cover of Meteor Mags: The Second Omnibus

You can enjoy more of Vamkire's art on Reddit, YouTube, DeviantArt, and Instagram!

Permanent Crescent Kindle Cover

A Dino Slaughter Comic Story!

The Third Omnibus includes a six-page mini-comic about the prehistoric ancestors of the evil space lizards that have given our criminal crew so much trouble. But you can also read it for free online! Illustrated by Eliseu Gouveia, this episode of Legends of the Dracorex tells the tragic tale of a benevolent Quetzalcoatlus who sought to bring technology to peaceful dinosaur tribes -- and how it all went horribly wrong!

Second Omnibus Kindle Cover

 The Second Omnibus!

Get It Now!
The Second Omnibus collects volumes 7-10, plus two all-new stories, previously unpublished interviews, scenes, drawings, a mini-comic, and more! 578 pages!

Join Meteor Mags and her criminal crew, including the hard-rocking Psycho 78s and the teenage Dumpster Kittens, as they rage against the forces of law and order, struggle to control the future of the Asteroid Belt, and confront the total destruction of their beloved home on Vesta. Some will live, many more will die, and nothing in the Belt will ever be the same!

In fifteen episodes of relentless anarchy, sci-fi madness, and violent revolution, the pirate crew comes face-to-face with betrayal, annihilation, telepathic octopuses, evil space lizards, cybernetic murder wasps, game-changing technologies, objects of unlimited power, and much, much more! Strap on your battle armor and get ready to rock, because the asteroid-mining frontier is no place for the faint-hearted.

Omnibus Edition Kindle Cover

The First Omnibus!

Get It Now!
This plus-sized volume collects and updates all the stories published prior to The Battle of Vesta 4. Join our criminal crew for fifteen tales of interplanetary piracy and total destruction.

Run for your life in the freak tornado that wipes out Ceres! Thrill to the savage mating rituals practiced by the evil space lizards! Learn how to smuggle cigarettes and shoot pool with the solar system’s number one dancer! Witness the unearthly energies of the machine that transforms Patches, and merge your mind with a telepathic space kraken!

From rescuing a pirate-radio DJ in a hail of bullets to dancing naked with a tribe of Russian space monkeys, Mags and her outlaw friends rock the Belt. But how long can they survive when everyone on Earth wants them dead?

Tesla Napping on Psycho 78s Cover

You Still Want More?

 Seriously? Okay, then!

Check out the pirate playlist to our unofficial soundtrack.

Fans of Dr. Plutonian and the PBN should visit our sister site for even more kick-ass tunes.

People with too much time on their hands between voyages of plunder can browse every book ever published by our Minister of Propaganda.

As for the rest of you sorry sods, why haven't you clicked on something else by now?
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